KS3 History
In line with National Curriculum here are some of the topics we shall be covering:
- Romans-Gods, culture, contrasts between classes, entertainment, slavery.
- 1066– The importance of a King, punishments, importance of the Church to society. Influence of the French (Normans) on England.
- Medieval life-empathy with how others lived. Crime. .
- Stuarts– The Divine Right of Kings. Religion a focal point of everyday life. Charles I and the Civil War and the impact on society.
- Tudors-The Reformation. Differences between Roman Catholics and Protestants.
- The Pilgrimage of Grace. Henry VIII’s court and Tudor Life.
- Industrial Revolution. The rich got richer and the poor poorer. Life and work in industrial towns. Empathy. Trade and industry with other cultures. The beginning of slave trade.
- Slavery– racism, importance of Christian arguments with Wilberforce.
- Culture in Africa. Religious differences between Africa and America. Civil War in the U.S.A.
- Early 20th century -Suffragettes, Treaty of Versailles, impact of war on society.
- The Holocaust- genocide, racial persecution, dictators, Jews, Nazis. Position in society.