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SV Diversity & Equalities Policy

  /  SV Diversity & Equalities Policy

Diversity & Equalities Policy

StreetVibes Academy (SV) aims to be an equal opportunity employer and service provider, and has a policy for this purpose. This policy covers all aspects of employment, from vacancy advertising, selection recruitment and training to conditions of service and reasons for termination of employment. This policy also covers the means by which SV’s services are communicated and delivered. This policy is available on the SV website.

To ensure that this policy is operating effectively (and for no other purpose), SV maintains records of employees’ and applicants’ personal details in relation to the protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010. These characteristics are:

  • age;
  • disability;
  • gender reassignment;
  • marriage and civil partnership;
  • pregnancy and maternity;
  • race;
  • religion or belief;
  • sex;
  • sexual orientation.

Ongoing monitoring and regular analysis of such records provide the basis for appropriate action to eliminate unlawful direct and indirect discrimination and promote equality of opportunity. SV’s aim is that the composition of its workforce should reflect that of the community and its members and learners.

SV’s Managing Director is responsible for the effective operation of its Diversity and Equalities Policy, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.


Objectives of our School Diversity and Equalities approach:

  • To promote a positive self-image in all children and to respect their individuality, providing for all pupils according to their needs
  • To ensure equality of opportunity permeates the whole curriculum and ethos of the school
  • In delivering the curriculum, to ensure it contains non-stereotypical images in order to overcome preconceived ideas of gender, ethnic origin, culture or religion
  • To include in resources books, materials and equipment that are multicultural and non-sexist, providing positive images of all groups
  • To ensure that the organisation of the school is sensitive to the needs of all
  • To acknowledge the richness and diversity of British society and to help prepare children for their part in that society
  • To develop a positive attitude to equal opportunity by the proprietors, senior management, children and all who participate in the school.



Vacancy advertising

Wherever possible, all vacancies will be advertised simultaneously internally and externally. Steps will be taken to ensure that knowledge of vacancies reaches underrepresented groups internally and externally. Wherever possible, vacancies will be notified to job centres, careers offices, schools, colleges, universities etc with significant minority group representation as well as to minority press/media and organisations. Wherever possible, all vacancy advertisements will include an appropriate short statement on equal opportunity.


Selection and recruitment 

Selection criteria (job description and employee specification) will be kept under constant review to ensure that they are justifiable on non-discriminatory grounds as being essential for the effective performance of the job. Wherever possible, more than one person will be involved in the selection interview and recruitment process, and all should have received training in equal opportunities. Reasons for selection and rejection of applicants for vacancies will be recorded.


Positive Action

Unlike positive discrimination, which is in itself unlawful, positive action will be fostered in line with current best practice:

  • Staff will continue to use examples in their teaching to demonstrate the benefits of a mixed society and the contributions made to our history by individuals of all genders, races, age groups, etc.
  • Role playing is seen as an essential means to address the issues raised in this area
  • Knowledge is encouraged in all aspects of school life to show the advantages of pooling experience, knowledge and various points of view
  • Job vacancies will be widely advertised to promote a diversity of candidates.


Positive action – training, promotion and conditions of service 

Underrepresented groups will be encouraged to apply for training and employment opportunities with the company. Wherever possible, special training will be provided for such groups to prepare them to compete on genuinely equal terms for jobs and promotion. However, actual recruitment to all jobs will be strictly on merit. Wherever necessary, use will be made of lawful exemptions to recruit suitably qualified people to cater for the special needs of particular groups. Wherever possible, efforts will be made to identify and remove unnecessary/unjustifiable barriers and provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service to meet the special needs of disadvantaged and/or underrepresented groups.


Personnel records 

In order to ensure the effective operation of the equal opportunity policy (and for no other purpose) a record will be kept of all employees’ and job applicants’ personal information as it relates to the ‘protected characteristics’ defined in the Equalities Act 2010. Where necessary, employees will be able to check/correct their own record of these details. Otherwise, access to this information will be strictly restricted. Such records will be analysed regularly and appropriate follow-up action taken.


Daily Procedures

  • Pupils, parents and staff will be given equal treatment, equal opportunity to voice their opinions and equal access to resources
  • Teaching material and other forms of communication are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure compliance with this policy
  • Positive action, especially by pupils, will continue to be rewarded and made known to the wider school community
  • Assembly times and PSHE sessions will reinforce good behaviour in the area of equal opportunities and involve peer groups in the approval (or disapproval) process
  • Staff meetings will include equal opportunity issues, with particular reference to this policy and its inclusion in curriculum activity
  • Clear and constant messages will be given regarding the school’s values and disciplinary procedures in line with the policy on behaviour.


Curriculum Planning

  • To review the taught curriculum and actively seek opportunities to address the issues of equal opportunities
  • To ensure that multi-cultural issues are not presented in a tokenistic way
  • To be aware of, and challenge, bias and stereotypical viewpoints within our teaching and language, e.g., only presenting images of Africa or India as poor and rural
  • To draw on examples from many cultural traditions and recognise Britain as having a diverse cultural background
  • To help students explore the idea of ‘stereotyping’ in order that they can make more informed choices in relation to their identity (i.e., gender, ethnic or cultural background, disability)
  • To be aware of the balance of male/female roles, disabled/able-bodied and roles from a variety of cultural backgrounds when choosing historical figures or the work of artists, composers, authors, etc. as a focus for a curriculum area.



●      To monitor assessment procedures to ensure that they are not distorted by stereotyped attitudes and expectations.



●      To prepare and select resources which are free from cultural or gender bias wherever possible
●      Where their use is unavoidable, to employ biased resources as a means of provoking discussion of equal opportunities.



The cooperation of all employees is essential for the success of this policy. Behaviour or actions against the spirit and/or the letter of the laws on which this policy is based will be considered serious disciplinary matters, and may, in some cases, lead to dismissal.


This policy is reviewed annually. This policy was last reviewed March 2023


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