Admissions Policy
StreetVibes Media Academy (SV) is a non-selective school.
The school has an agreed admission number of 40 pupils for entry each day. The school will accordingly admit up to 40 pupils each day if sufficient applications are received. All applicants will be admitted if 40 or fewer apply.
StreetVibes Media Academy (SV) Admissions Register/Comprehensive Student List records the details of every student/learner on the school roll. This includes students who are attending the school on a part-time basis and includes their emergency contact details.
The details that are recorded in the Admissions Register are as follows:
Students’ Information:
Parents and Carers
In addition to the above information SV also records the following for each student:
Maintaining the register
SV recognises that it is vital that the register is kept up to date and stored securely, particularly the emergency contact details. SV encourages parents to inform the school of any changes whenever they occur. To help maintain its register, SV requires the following information from referral agencies and schools:
Upon arrival at SV, potential students are asked to provide:
SV admits:
School Day and School Year
SV school days are from 9.30am – 2.30pm with a 45-minute break for lunch, usually at 12.30pm. SV term dates are set and maintained in line with the local authority and we are open to all students for at least 380 sessions a year. SV activities outside the normal school day, such as detentions and extracurricular activities are not recorded in the statutory admissions or the attendance register, but are kept in additional non-statutory registers that are used to monitor and support students with poor attendance and/or other issues.
Expected First Day of Attendance
SV has staggered intake days and the expected first day of attendance is the first day of the school year and will be agreed by SV and parent. On the expected first day of attendance, the student will be listed in both admissions and the attendance registers from that day.
If a student fails to attend on the agreed start date, SV will follow up the absence, establish the reason and mark it in the normal way to ensure that the student does not lose his/her place, and that any safeguarding and missing from education concerns are addressed. Students and parent or carers will be expected to read and understand:
School Uniform
SV has a school uniform of white shirt, black trousers or knee length skirt, black shoes or trainers and black jumper. Students who are attending SV on a part time basis or who are on roll at another school are permitted to wear the uniform of their on-roll school. We request that students refrain from wearing clothing with provocative statements, sunglasses, hooded tops and headgear that prevents the students’ face from being visible. Students’ general appearance should be neat, clean, and appropriate for study. Students should wear clothing that is appropriately sized and correctly worn and which does not distract other students or interfere with the normal process of the school. Students who fail to abide by the dress code rules will either be asked to wear an item of SV clothing or will be sent home and asked to change and return to school appropriately dressed.
Free School Meals
SV will take guidance from the referral information provided by the school or other referral partners as to whether a student is eligible for free school meals. SV works within the Every Child Matters agenda and in the cases that students are eligible for free school meals, SV will provide a healthy and well balanced lunch menu choice.
This policy was last reviewed 3rd September 2022.