Unit 2: Desktop Publishing Software
Unit 2: Desktop Publishing Software Learners will need access to appropriatesoftware to allow the production ofdifferent types of publications, forexample desktop publishing software,multimedia software, and access to theinternet. In addition learners must haveaccess to either different types ofinformation, for example graphic images, or other sources of information.
Unit 3: Using the Internet
Unit 3: Using the Internet To deliver this unit, centres will need tohave a local area network with browserapplication software and access to theinternet. Centres will need the facilitiesto enable learners to carry out thepractical aspects of the unit as definedby the content and grading criteria.Centres will also need a range ofsuitable software tools and equipment tosupport
Unit 1: Developing Creative Media Skills
Unit 1: Developing Creative Media SkillsThe exact media used will depend on thecentre’s resources. Learners should,where possible, have the opportunity toexplore the use of television, radio,audio tapes, video, newspapers, avariety of advertisements, posters andthe internet. They will also needmaterials to help them to prepare theirpresentations; for example artmaterials, cameras, video cameras,paper, computer software packages, anddrama props.