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SV Assessment Appeals Policy & Procedure

  /  SV Assessment Appeals Policy & Procedure

Assessment Appeals Policy & Procedure

Statement of Intent

StreetVibes Academy (SV) believes that each student has the right to appeal against an assessment decision if s/he feels that a decision is unfair. For the purpose of this policy, assessment is taken to include all SV assessed work that contributes towards external Awarding Body assessment decisions.

This procedure will also be applied to manage disputes when a student disagrees with the school/exam centres’ decision not to support an ‘enquiry about results’ request or not to support a student/parent’s request to appeal an examination grade issued by an examining board.

This policy does not cover assessment appeals following public examinations, where the examining boards’ own procedures will apply. The policy is part of SV’s quality assurance framework. All students are made aware of their right to appeal against an assessment decision if s/he thinks a decision is unfair.  All SV teachers are made aware of the contents and purpose of this policy. This policy is reviewed annually and may be revised in response to feedback from students, teachers and external organisations.

General Appeals Procedures

First Stage

Students and parents can speak to the teacher concerned about an assessment decision or, in the case of public examinations, about their intention to appeal an assessed grade.

Where it is difficult to discuss the matter with the teacher, the Head of Learning will suggest another member of staff. It is important that the appeal is considered objectively and fairly, and if the teacher concerned feels unable to hear the appeal objectively, s/he may refer the appeal to another staff member.

After investigating, a response will be given, where possible, within 7 school days.  If you are not satisfied with the response, you may send a written appeal to the school within 10 school days of receiving the response.


Second Stage – Formal Stage

If you are not satisfied with the way your appeal was handled at the Informal Stage, you can write to the school using an Appeals Complaints Form (see attached).  SV will write to you within 2 school days, where possible, to confirm receipt of your written appeal. The Head will thoroughly investigate the complaint, review all the information and discuss the findings, together with any recommendations or apology, with you. The Head will then write to you with his decision where possible, within 10 school days of receiving your complaint. SV will seek to resolve the majority of complaints at this stage.


Third Stage – Complaint Heard by Appeal Panel

If you are still not satisfied, you may complain in writing to the Managing Director. The Managing Director may contact you directly to understand more about the complaint and to seek a resolution.  If you are still unhappy with the outcome of the complaint, then the MD will convene an Appeal Panel. The Panel can be drawn from the nominated members and may include a partner school and/or the local authority education officer and will consist of at least three people who were not directly involved in the matters detailed in the complaint. One of the Panel members will be independent of the management and running of the school. If the Head and the MD has heard the complaint informally as described above, the Head and the MD must not, of course participate in the Panel Hearing. The Panel may choose its own chair. This is the last stage of SV appeals procedure.

The Panel can:

  • dismiss the assessment decision in whole or in part;
  • uphold the assessment decision in whole or in part;
  • decide on the appropriate action to be taken to resolve the complaint;
  • recommend changes to the school’s systems or procedures to ensure that problems of a similar nature do not recur.

The Appeals Committee will meet within 20 school days. The student and parent/carer will be invited to attend this meeting at least 10 school days before it happens. Parents can be accompanied to this meeting if they wish.  Everyone at this meeting as well as the Head, Chair and, where relevant, the person complained about, will receive in writing the decision and recommendations of the Appeals Committee within 5 school days. The Committee’s decision is final.

SV maintains a written record of all complaints and appeals, and whether they are resolved at the preliminary stage or proceed to a panel hearing.  All correspondence, statements and records relating to individual complaints are kept confidential except where the Secretary of State or a body conducting an inspection under section 163 of the 2002 Act requests access to them.


Appeals Form
Please complete and return to the Head of Learning who will acknowledge receipt and explain what action will be taken.
Your name……………………………………………………………………
Student’s name………………………………………………………………
Your relationship to the student…………………………………………
Your address…………………………………………………………………
Day time telephone number………………………………………………
Evening telephone number………………………………………………
Name of teacher who assessed your work………………………………………
Stage 1: Date discussed with your teacher/assessor…………………………
Stage 2: Date discussed with your Personal tutor………………………………
Stage 3: Explain in detail why you think this assessment decision is unfair. Please attach copies of any evidence to clarify your points.

*This policy was last revised 3rd March 2023


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