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SV Volunteer Policy

  /  SV Volunteer Policy

Youth Volunteer Policy


We will use appropriate means to advertise for volunteers locally that take into account the principles of our Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policies. The applicant will have to complete an application form, but help can be given with this if necessary. The volunteer manager and/or line manager will interview the applicantĀ and if this is successful the two references asked for will be taken up. A criminal records check with the Disclosure and Barring Service will be made (if relevant)Ā for every volunteer.

Induction and Training

There will be an induction prepared and delivered by the volunteer manager and/or line manager. This will include:

  • The role of the volunteer
  • A list of all staff members and volunteers
  • A list of Management Committee members
  • Copies of all the relevant policies including this Volunteer policy and the Confidentiality, Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities and Diversity and Child Protection policy.
  • Essential procedures i.e. timekeeping, rota etc.
  • Induction training and details of ongoing training
  • Information about the relevant Code of Practice
  • Other information as appropriate.

There will be a trial period of 4 weeks to give StreetVibes(SV) and the volunteer time to discover if they are suited to each other. A review will be made midway through the trial period and also at the end.


StreetVibes Academy is committed to safeguarding pupils, young people and vulnerable adults and expects its volunteers to show that commitment.

ā€˜Regulated Activityā€™ Definition

All those (whether paid or voluntary) who engage in any activity on a frequent or intensive basis that occurs in an educational institution which is exclusively or mainly for the provision of full-time education to children. This means that all who work on a regular basis within a schoolā€™s premises must comply with all statutory requirements regarding recruitment and ID checks.


We value our volunteers and want to ensure that there are no barriers to volunteer involvement. All out-of-pocket expenses, if required, will be reimbursed, including expenses for travel and meals. In order to claim expenses, an expenses form must be completed and given to the financial controller.


TheĀ volunteer manager and/or line manager and other volunteers will offer support to the volunteers. There will be a briefing session at the beginning and a de-briefing at the end of each session.
The volunteer manager and/or line manager will support all volunteers and will have regular meetings with the volunteers to discuss any problems or issues that may arise.
The volunteer manager and/or line manager will receive support and regular supervision sessions from the managing director.



All volunteers work under the supervision of a teacher or full time member of staff. Teachers retain ultimate responsibility for pupils at all times, including the pupilsā€™ behaviour and the activity they are undertaking. Volunteers should be given clear guidance from the designated supervisor as to how an activity is carried out/what the expected outcome of an activity is. In the event of any query/problem regarding the pupilsā€™ understanding of a task, behaviour or their welfare, volunteers must seek further advice/guidance from their designated supervisor.

Health & Safety

The school has a Health & Safety Policy and this is made available to volunteers working in the school and is displayed on the school website. An appropriate member of staff will ensure that volunteers are clear about the emergency procedures (e.g., Fire Alarm Evacuation) and about any safety aspects associated with particular tasks (e.g., accompanying pupils on visits). Volunteers need to exercise due care and attention and report any obvious hazards or concerns to the designated supervisor/Headteacher.


Child Protection

The welfare of our pupils is paramount. To ensure the safety of our pupils, we adopt the following procedures:

  • All volunteers are given a copy of the Volunteer Policy and asked to sign a Volunteer Agreement.
  • All of our volunteers must have been cleared by the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS)
  • Where a volunteer is engaged in a one-off activity, e.g., helping supervise a group of pupils as part of a class visit, a Barred List check will be required.Ā 
  • Any concerns a volunteer has about child protection issues should be referred to the designated supervisor or the Headteacher.



The organisation has a valid insurance policy that you are advised to read.


This organisationā€™s process requires an explicit confidentiality policy, which all workers, which includes Management Committee, volunteers and staff, are obliged to observe.

Resolving Problems

The relationship between the organisation and its volunteer workers is entirely voluntary and does not imply any contract. However, it is important that the organisation is able to maintain its agreed standards of service to the clients who use it, and it is also important that volunteers should enjoy making their contribution to this service.

If your role as a volunteer does not meet with the organisationā€™s standards, here is how it will be dealt with:

1. Initially with a meeting with the volunteer manager and/or line manager who will explain the concerns.
2. If this does not resolve the concern then a meeting with the managing director and/or chair of the management committee will be convened.
3. If your work still does not meet with our standards then we shall have to stop using your services.

At all times you will be able to freely state your case and can have a friend to accompany you.

If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your work you should:

  1. Initially explain your dissatisfaction with the volunteer manager and/or line manager.
  2. If that does not resolve the concern then a meeting with the managing director should be convened.
  3. If that does not resolve the issue then a formal meeting with the Chair of the Management Committee should follow.
  4. If after this, your dissatisfaction remains unresolved, and we are unable to resolve your grievance, then it would be inappropriate for you to continue to be a volunteer.

This Volunteer policy is freely accessible to all. It will be reviewed on a yearly basis to adapt or improve it.



This policy is reviewed annually. This policy was last reviewed March 2023.


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