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SV Quality Assurance Policy

  /  SV Quality Assurance Policy

Quality Assurance Policy

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SV Academy Office 1

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Sonia Ramanah

Director’s home address


Review and Change Control

Please detail all reviews made even if the document is not amended.







July 2018

Updated version from Oct 2017



October 2019

Updated version from July 2018



September 2020

Updated version from September 2019



September 2021

Updated version from September 2020


Policy Statement

The aim of this Quality Assurance Policy is to affirm StreetVibes Academy’s (SV) commitment to maintain a high standard of quality in the way it works, the services it delivers, its relationships with staff and stakeholders and ensure continuous improvement.

“Quality Assurance” is what SV and its stakeholders enjoy if quality control has been effectively applied in the work of the organisation. “Quality Control” refers to the operational techniques, procedures and objectives used to fulfil the organisational Quality requirements.

SV is committed to raising the standard of provision by making its customers the focus of everything it does. It will meet its obligations to staff and other stakeholders and enhance customer satisfaction by delivering high quality services. 


Policy Objectives

SV’s overall quality objective is to ensure that it delivers a consistently high level of service. SV’s policy is to maintain an effective and efficient Quality Assurance process, which is planned and developed in conjunction with management, staff and other stakeholders. Its QA process is detailed in its policies and procedures (including external contracts, regulations and codes of practice), which are designed to ensure the highest quality standards. Quality Assurance is fundamental to all work undertaken by SV and must be implemented by all staff. To that effect SV will:

  • Maintain consistency and quality, in accordance with policies, procedures, regulations and codes of practice;
  • Ensure that all policies, procedures, relevant regulations and codes of practice are implemented and systematically reviewed to reflect SV’s values;
  • Regularly monitor and measure the quality of its work methods, outputs and outcomes with a view to ensuring high quality standards, best value and continuous improvement;
  • Adopt and adapt the European Foundation for Quality Management’s (EFQM) ‘Excellence Model’ as the basis for monitoring and reviewing QA within SV.


Quality Management System (QMS)

SV operates a Quality Management System that is working towards the following:

  • European Foundation for Quality Management’s (EFQM) ‘Excellence Model’
  • BS EN ISO 9001: 2008
  • Investor in People
  • Matrix

SV is accredited to deliver with the following awarding bodies:

  • Edexcel/Pearson
  • JCQ

Part of operating SV’s Quality Management System (QMS) involves:

  • Quality Auditsto be carried out by its Internal Verifier/Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) and subject to a planned schedule to audit all management systems against its QMS requirements. All audits will produce a detailed report identifying any areas of non-compliance and specifying any corrective actions required.
  • Quality Records: to be maintained throughout SV as an essential part of its QMS.


Continuous Improvement Framework (CIF)

To ensure that the standard of provision remains high and continuously improves, SV will underpin the work it does with a Continuous Improvement Framework.  As part of this Framework, Quality Assurance will take place through open and honest sharing of information.  SV will carry out an annual self-assessment to the criteria specified by the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework, and as laid out in our Quality Improvement Plan.  Its findings will be used to produce a development plan to improve the quality of its service and delivery.

SV has an Internal Verification Strategy in place for all National Curriculum, GCSE, BTEC and Traineeship programmes delivered.  This is strictly adhered to at all times by the lead internal verifier, and is used to maintain Quality Assurance for all GCSEs, BTECs, Functional Skills and other qualifications.

SV’s provision will be continuously improved through regular performance reviews, use of monitoring and feedback from all of its stakeholders, and robust management of its internal auditing system.  The Framework for Excellence results will also be reviewed and used to enhance its provision.


Roles and Responsibilities

All Members of Staff

All members of staff are responsible for, and have an impact on, the quality of SV’s service and delivery.  To achieve this:

  • Company policies, procedures and documentation will be designed to ensure they are based on clear concepts of quality of delivery;
  • Ongoing consultation will take place with all staff to ensure a high standard of working practice is developed and implemented via company procedures;
  • All staff will adhere to all company policies and procedures at all times to ensure that quality of delivery is at the centre of SV’s business;
  • SV will develop and work towards the European Foundation for Quality Management’s (EFQM) ‘Excellence Model’ and Matrix accreditations.

SV Management

All line managers will work closely with their staff to develop effective quality control procedures in order to achieve QA. SV management has a continuing commitment to:

  • Develop and improve SV’s Quality Management System;
  • Ensure that customer needs and expectations are determined and fulfilled with the aim of achieving customer satisfaction;
  • Communicate throughout the organisation the importance of meeting customer needs and legal requirements;
  • Maintain and review our QA Policy and its objectives;
  • Conduct management reviews of the effectiveness of the implementation of SV’s Quality Management System;
  • Ensure the availability of resources.


Chief Executive/Head of Learning and Senior Management Team (SMT)

Role of the Chief Executive/Head of Learning:

  • SV’s Chief Executive has overall responsibility for Quality Assurance (QA) and is supported in this role by the Managing Director and the Quality Assurance coordinator;
  • It is the Chief Executive’s responsibility to report to the SMT about QA, to approve SV’s QA strategy and ensure its implementation;
  • The Chief Executive will consider and approve appropriate QA recommendations from the SMT;
  • The Chief Executive, with support from the QA Coordinator, will also have responsibility for monitoring QA strategy implementation and outcomes.


Policy Implementation

SV believes that it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure this policy is implemented.  Specific responsibilities are as follows:

  • The Chief Executive has overall responsibility for ensuring that sufficient resources are available to facilitate the effective implementation and maintenance of this policy.
  • The QA Coordinator has responsibility to ensure that all processes and procedures are in place to promote quality within SV;
  • All employees are responsible for following quality processes and procedures.

Policy Review (Monitoring)

This policy will be reviewed annually (or more frequently, if legislation and best practice make it necessary) by SMT to ensure its continuing relevance. Any changes to the policy will be communicated to all employees.

Related Policies / Documents

  • Internal Verification Strategy
  • Internal Audit Reports
  • External Audit Reports
  • European Foundation for Quality Management’s (EFQM) ‘Excellence Model’



This policy will be reviewed annually. This policy was last revised 3rd September 2022.


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