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SV Health & Safety Policy

  /  SV Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety Policy


SV Academy (SV) is required under the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
to produce a statement of policy with respect to the health and safety of everyone who uses
its premises. However, SV will continually strive to achieve the highest possible standard
rather than rely on legal minimum. SV also expects staff at all levels to actively pursue
increasingly higher standards of health and safety management.
SV recognises the importance of ensuring that its employees and learners both appreciate the
extent of their individual responsibilities and co-operate fully in ensuring that the Health and
Safety Policy and Procedures are observed.
This document is intended to bring SV’s statement of policy to the attention of all its employees
and students and to provide details of the organisation and arrangements for carrying out that
policy, as indicated by the Act. The policy is supplemented by individual health and safety
procedures covering a range of topics and everyone must ensure they are aware of the safety
precautions appropriate to the area in which they work.
SV encourages a positive attitude towards safety requirements generally, to promote a healthy
and safe working environment for employees, volunteers and learners.


It is the policy of SV to:
● regard legal compliance as the lowest acceptable standard and to ensure SV is moving
towards “best working practice” in health and safety;
● to regard health and safety as a core management function;
● to develop a system of responsibility for and communications of health and safety
● maintain a safe and healthy working environment and safe methods of operation;
● ensure the provision and maintenance of premises and equipment to a safe level;
● ensure the provision of appropriate resources to meet health and safety issues;
● state in writing, to all employees (via the Staff Handbook, Health and Safety Policy,
Student Handbook and other publications) and learners, their responsibilities to ensure
the health and safety of persons and the proper use of equipment provided;
● provide necessary information, instruction, training and supervision, to ensure the
health and safety of employees at work;
● provide as appropriate and ensure the correct use of the approved equipment;
● promote an attitude of safe working by employees and learners in all aspects of SV work
underpinned by appropriate disciplinary procedures;
● encourage discussion between management, employees and learners on safety, health
and welfare matters;
● ensure immediate and accurate reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents;
● ensure the provision of an appropriate number of specialist safety staff with
responsibilities for safety, health and welfare and to ensure appropriate contingency
arrangements are made during the absence of such staff to meet the relevant statutory
● to develop a system of inspection, monitoring and auditing procedures which will ensure
acceptable standards are being achieved across SV;
● to review this Health and Safety Policy not less than once every two years;
● to make specific arrangements on external sites controlled by SV to ensure that
employees are carrying out their responsibilities for health, safety and welfare.


The Health & Safety officer is responsible for the management of health and safety matters
within the building.
The Health & Safety officer has been appointed by the Proprietor of School to take a special
interest in the promotion of health and safety matters, to provide a first level of advice and to
act on behalf of the Proprietor of School in respect of these matters. The Health & Safety
officer has received an appropriate level of training for the role, and will receive refresher
training every two years as appropriate.
All staff and students are responsible for ensuring that they work in a manner that is safe to
themselves and to others, and to comply with the relevant requirements of SV’s Health and
Safety Policy.


On Discovering A Fire:
If you discover a fire:
a. Sound the alarm by breaking the glass at the nearest call point
b. Dial ‘999’ to call the Fire Brigade
c. If possible, tackle the fire using the appliance provided but do not endanger yourself or
others doing so
On Hearing the Alarm
a. Leave the building by the nearest available exit: SIDE DOOR ON GROUND FLOOR
b. Close all the doors behind you
c. Report to the responsible person in charge at the assembly point: OUTSIDE THE WHITE
a. Do not stop to collect personal belongings
b. Do not use the lift
c. Never re-enter the building for any reason unless authorised to do so
All staff and students must familiarise themselves with the location of fire doors and fire exits,
so that they know as many as possible of the means of escape from the building.
All staff and students should know the location of their nearest fire extinguishers and fire alarm
call points and instructions for their use.
Emergency exit routes must remain tidy and free from obstacles. Staff and students must not
leave or store flammable materials on emergency exit routes or blocking immediate access to
fire alarms, fire equipment or electrical switchgear.


The value of the nightly routine of checking for dropped cigarette ends, switching off all
unnecessary electrical equipment, and closing all doors to rooms and staircase enclosures,
cannot be overstressed. Staff and students are reminded that smoking is not permitted
anywhere on the premises.


All accidents, fires, “near misses”, and instances of known or suspected occupational ill health,
must be recorded in the SV Accident and Incident Report Book, which is located in the main
All accidents/incidents, except those of a minor nature will be investigated by the appropriate
school personnel and any necessary remedial measures, including revised work procedures,
training, etc, will be implemented as appropriate. Accidents as a result of a defect in the fabric
or structure of the building should be reported to the Health & Safety Officer, Orlando Clement,
for action.
Accidents / incidents of a serious nature must be notified immediately to the Health & Safety
officer and will be subject to a more formal investigation.


The First Aid Boxes are located in the Reception, Main Office, First Aid Room and Exams Office.
The nearest Qualified First Aider is Will Conn, located in the Main Office
The nearest First Aid Room is located on the 3rd floor
In the event of any emergency requiring an ambulance, call the Emergency Services (dial 999)
and state the precise location and nature of the emergency.
The majority of the activities carried out by the school are routine and generally low risk in
nature and do not require to be formally risk assessed. However, for any activity involving a
significant risk, a written risk assessment must be carried out. To assist with this, model risk
assessment forms are available in the Main Office and copies can also be found on the SV
Risk assessments must be brought to the attention of all relevant staff and students involved
in the activity, and a copy placed on the server. Risk assessments must be regularly reviewed
(minimum annually) to ensure the information contained within them remains valid.


A self-inspection (safety audit) of SV will take place every 6 months to monitor the effectiveness
of the health and safety policy. The inspection will be made by the Health & Safety Officer.


All staff and students encountering any kind of health and safety hazard at SV should report
these promptly to the Health & Safety Officer located in the Main Office, in his or her absence,
report to a senior member of staff.


SV Academy has purchased, and shall maintain, suitable levels of public liability insurance to
cover our activities and facilities.
● Insurance certificates are displayed at all sites and are available for inspection by all
interested parties.
● Westward School operates a no-smoking policy applying to all staff, pupils, parents,
visitors, work experience students and contractors when they are on the school site.
● The school site is an entirely smoke free environment and this includes the use of ecigarettes
and other tobacco products.
● Smoking is not permitted at any time anywhere in the school grounds including toilets,
corridors, staff room or the car park.


● At SV Academy we aim to provide an environment where good health is promoted for
all and to raise awareness of the dangers associated with exposure to tobacco
● No-smoking notices are prominently displayed around the site, including at all
entrances to the school, and anyone found smoking on the premises will be politely
asked to leave.
● All transport provided or contracted by the school is smoke-free and will display
compulsory signage as required by the Health Act.
● Smoking is not permitted during school events held within or outside normal school
hours anywhere in the school grounds or buildings.
● Organisations and clubs who use the school premises within or outside normal school
hours are expected to adhere to the school’s no smoking policy.
● All staff and parent helpers are expected to refrain from smoking on all school trips,
activities and events.
● Staff and the PSHE co-ordinator will ensure smoking related topics are adequately
incorporated into class teaching for each Key Stage.


● SV Academy treats the security of our pupils as a top priority. Security arrangements
are monitored and reviewed regularly by the school office, and following a security
related incident or feedback from an interested party.
● Security arrangements currently in place include:
● CCTV & Intruder Alarm System (contractor maintained 24/7)
● Keeping all external doors locked to prevent unwanted visitors and to ensure pupils
cannot leave the premises unaccompanied or with an unknown adult.
● Keeping the front door locked with the Chubb key as an extra security measure when
the premises are empty.
● Keeping internal and external areas secure by closing all gates and front door on
arrival and departure from the premises.
● Ensuring all visitors and staff sign-in in the visitor’s book upon arrival, and sign-out
when they depart, with the time recorded and witnessed by a staff member.
● Ensuring all visitors show identification upon arrival if unknown to the school.
● Ensuring pupils never open the front door and staff only admit known/expected
persons to the school.
● Fitting security locks to all windows identified as requiring them by the insurance
● Keeping all gates and boundaries in good repair and checked regularly.
● Keeping all gates bolted for safe access control.
● Side Gate – Access code required for parents using breakfast club and after school
● Far Side Gate – Access code required for staff entry to school if not key holders.
● Keeping the middle gates padlocked at night, with the padlock removed during the day
for emergency access.
● Ensuring that all parents/carers are made aware of student arrival and departure
arrangements, including late departure due to detentions of over 20 minutes.
● Requiring parents/carers to inform staff in advance, either by telephone, email or in
writing, if another adult will be collecting their child.
● Maintaining a list of key-holders, held in the school office. Emergency Keyholders
details are registered with Carter Security Services in case of emergency.
● Providing lockable metal filing cabinets for personnel files etc. to satisfy data
protection, confidentiality and fire risk requirements.


The following arrangements relating to electrical safety are in place:
● All employees shall visually check electrical equipment, including plugs and cables,
before use to ensure that it is in safe working order.
● Electrical equipment is sited carefully to avoid trailing leads.
● Pupils are only allowed to use electrical equipment once trained and with adult
● Portable electrical equipment is regularly PAT tested by a competent person and
records kept in the school office.


StreetVibes Academy recognises the importance of maintaining a reasonable temperature in
all workplaces, in accordance with applicable legislation.
● In accordance with the Education (School Premises) Regulations (1999), the following
minimum temperatures will be observed:
● Areas where there is a lower than normal level of physical activity (e.g. sick rooms):
● Areas where there is a normal level of physical activity (e.g. classrooms & canteens):
● Areas where there is a higher than normal level of physical activity (e.g. gyms &
drama workshops): 15°C
● NB: All classrooms shall be at least 18°C as children are less able to withstand low
temperatures than adults.
● The school office shall ensure that there are thermometers in every room and that
regular checks are made of the room temperature.


StreetVibes Academy recognises the importance of maintaining clean and hygienic premises.
The following health & safety arrangements are in place:
● A cleaning rota has been established for all areas of the school.
● A cleaning rota has been established for all school equipment.
● Suitably competent staff have been employed to clean the premises.
● Cleaning staff are provided with suitable protective clothing (e.g. plastic gloves and
● Cleaning staff are provided with suitable hand washing facilities.
● All cleaning products are kept in locked cupboards out of reach of pupils.
● All premises are to be cleaned and tidied before pupils arrive.
● Routine cleaning does not take place during school hours.
● Hygienic and safe cleaning materials are available for use in emergencies.
● Toilets are regularly checked for cleanliness.
● Regular pest control visits are conducted by a competent specialist pest control
contractor for preventative control.
● The school office holds COSHH records of all products used by cleaning staff and the
pest control contractor in case of emergencies.
● Good health and hygiene practices are actively promoted through notices, signs,
posters, leaflets and staff meetings.


The following health & safety arrangements specific to the kitchen areas are in place:
● The kitchen is out-of-bounds to all persons except kitchen staff.
● Environmental health regulations are to be enforced.
● The floors are to be kept dry and free from obstruction – non-slip flooring has been
● Care shall be taken when handling heavy and/or hot items.
● Training in food preparation and handling is offered to appropriate staff.
● Food preparation and handling procedures are monitored and assessed regularly.
● Food preparation areas shall be kept clean and hygienic.
● Pupils are encouraged to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet.


SV Academy recognises that slips, trips and falls are the most common cause of workplace
accidents. The following arrangements are in place to reduce their occurrence:
● Non-slip flooring/matting has been installed in the kitchen and washroom/toilet areas.
● Steps are safeguarded with non-slip treads and heavy-duty edge tape.
● Manhole covers are covered with anti-slip products or marked individually for ease of
location in the wet pour covered area.
● Employees and students are required to wear proper footwear; slippers and other
open toe or open-backed footwear is not permitted.
● Electrical equipment is sited carefully to avoid trailing leads.
● Corridors and walkways are kept clear of obstructions.
● Floors are thoroughly dried following cleaning and spillages.
● Yellow “wet floor” safety signs to be positioned when necessary.
● Leaves, ice and snow are removed from outside walkways.
● Employees are trained in the proper use of stepladders and kick stools.


● StreetVibes Academy recognises that working at height can present a significant risk
to health & safety. Where such activities cannot be avoided a risk assessment will be
conducted to ensure such risks are adequately controlled.
● The following arrangements are in place relating to working at height:
● When working at height, including accessing storage or putting up displays, staff are
briefed to use appropriate stepladders or kick stools, not chairs, tables etc.
● Stepladders and kick stools shall be checked annually by the school office to ensure
they are safe to use.
● The office staff shall ensure all work at height is properly planned and conducted in an
approved manner. Scaffolding to be hired when necessary.
● Pupils are not to use stepladders or kick stools.
● Contractors are to provide their own access equipment and their activities must be
risk assessed before commencing work.


● In accordance with the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations
(1992), as amended 2002, the following arrangements are in place to manage the
risk to significant users of display screen equipment:
● A display screen equipment assessment shall be conducted by a member of the office
staff, and reviewed annually, or following significant changes to their work activities, or
following a report of deterioration of the user’s eyesight or general health.
● Where assessments indicate a risk to the user, changes to their work activities,
equipment or system of work shall be considered.
● Significant users shall be provided with training and information relevant to their
display screen equipment and workstation usage in order to minimise risks.
● Significant users are entitled to an eyesight test every 2 years by a qualified optician,
and corrective glasses if required specifically for display screen equipment use.
● NB: Significant users are those who use computers for continuous/near continuous
spells of an hour at a time or more.
● NB: The regulations do not apply to display screen equipment used by pupils.
However, it is good practice for staff to make sure pupils are aware how to correctly
set up and use their display screen equipment in order to minimise risks.


● The office staff are responsible for ensuring that all contractors engaged to work on
school premises are suitably competent to conduct their activities and possess the
correct levels of insurance.
● All contractors are required to report to the school office, sign the visitor’s book and
be briefed on any health & safety arrangements relating to their work on the premises
(including fire procedures and vehicular access).
● Contractors will be asked to provide the school office staff with risk assessments and
method statements for the work to be undertaken, which shall be agreed with the
school before work commences on site.
● The office staff shall liaise with the school’s proprietors to ensure that all necessary
approvals have been received before major building works commence (e.g. planning
permission, CDM compliance etc)
● All work shall be arranged for suitable times of the day to minimise the risk to
employees and pupils.
● All contractors, as visitors, on site during school hours must not be left alone with any
pupils for safeguarding reasons. Regular contractors, known to the school, who have
to attend during school hours will have DBS clearance via the school office.
● The office staff shall monitor areas where contractors work and keep records of all
work completed.


● Staff are encouraged not to work alone in school. Work carried out unaccompanied,
or without immediate access to assistance, should be risk assessed to determine if
the activity is necessary. Work involving potentially significant risks (e.g. working at
height) should not be undertaken whilst working alone.
● Where lone working cannot be avoided staff should:
● Obtain permission from the school office and notify them on each occasion when lone
working will occur.
● Ensure they do not put themselves or others at risk.
● Ensure they have means to summon help in an emergency, e.g. access to a telephone
or mobile telephone.
● When working off site, notify a colleague of their whereabouts and the estimated time
of return.
● Key holders attending empty premises where there has been an incident or suspected
crime should do so with a colleague if possible. They should not enter the premises
unless they are sure it is safe to do so. Where necessary, contact appropriate
emergency service and/or the Headteacher, bursar or office staff.
● Report any incidents or situations where they may have felt unsafe or uncomfortable.


● Generic risk assessments for regular manual handling operations have been
undertaken and are kept in the school office. Staff are provided with information on
safe moving and handling techniques as part of their induction.
● Staff should ensure they are not lifting heavy items and equipment unless they have
received training and/or equipment in order to do so safely.
● All manual handling activities which present a significant risk to the health and safety
of staff shall be reported to the school office, and where such activities cannot be
avoided a risk assessment shall be conducted to ensure such risks are adequately
controlled. A copy of this risk assessment will be provided to employees who must
follow the instructions given when carrying out the task.
● Paediatric Moving and Handling (Where applicable in the case of individual risk
● All staff who move and handle pupils have received appropriate training (both in
general moving and handling people techniques and specific training on any lifting
equipment they are required to use).
● All moving and handling of pupils has been risk assessed and recorded by a competent
member of staff. Equipment for moving and handling pupils is subject to inspection on
a 6-monthly basis by a competent contractor.


SV’s premises have been assessed for asbestos and none was found. Nonetheless the
School has made the following arrangements in order to minimise the risks pertaining to
any asbestos that may have been used in the construction of the School’s premises:
● The managing director is appointed as the Asbestos Authorising Officer.
● A full asbestos survey was conducted in July 2006.
● The asbestos survey and accompanying documents are located in the school office.
● The asbestos survey shall be made available to all staff and contractors prior to any
work commencing on the fabric of the building.
● All work on the fabric of the building shall be entered in the permission to work log and
signed by those undertaking the work.
● An annual visual inspection of any asbestos containing materials on site shall be
conducted by the Asbestos Authorising Officer and recorded in the asbestos log.
● Staff are not allowed to drill into, or affix anything to, walls or ceilings without first
obtaining approval from the Asbestos Authorising Officer.


In order to minimise the risks from legionella, and similar waterborne bacteria, SV Academy
have made the following arrangements:
● A full water risk assessment shall be reviewed annually, or following any significant
change to the water supply, and related, systems.
● A member of the office staff is responsible for ensuring the following control measures
are introduced and regularly conducted.
● Identifying and regularly flushing rarely used water outlets on a weekly basis and after
school holidays.
● Conducting monthly water temperature checks.
● Disinfecting and descaling showers, and other areas where water droplets may form,
on a quarterly basis.
● Ensuring the school’s water supply systems are regularly inspected and maintained by
a competent contractor.
● Any contractors working on the school’s water supply, or related systems, must
ensure that they have taken into consideration measures to minimise the risk from


Health and Safety will be a standing item on the agenda of the meetings of the Core Staff and
Teaching personnel, which are held weekly.
School Proprietor & Health & Safety Officer: Sonia Ramanah
Executive Headteacher/Director: Orlando Clement
Qualified First Aider: Will Conn, Andrea Brown, Abbey Lottes
Fire Officers: Will Conn, Marinela Toma
This policy is reviewed annually. This policy was last revised September 2024


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